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Why You Need to Produce Data-Driven Videos and How to Optimize Your Video Marketing Tech Stack

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Two trends and one challenge 

We analyzed data of DAX 40 companies’ YouTube channels from 2015 till 2022. The number of published videos increased over time. Especially in 2022, companies uploaded significantly more content.   

There is also a trend towards producing longer videos, especially videos between two and twelve minutes. However, according to WISTIA (see chart below), a relation of exponential decay between average engagement and video length can be observed. According to the data, the sweet spot of length is between 6 and 12 minutes.


The big issue is that longer videos mean more effort, more planning and organisation and in general overall higher production costs and allocation of resources. How does one get their money’s worth and make their viewers maintain engagement for long-form video content? The best answer is data-driven Video Marketing. 

Tech stack: What the market is currently missing

A proper analysis of the right technical stack for producing long-form video content is vital.

In terms of tooling, what is currently available on the market? 

  • Video editing: variety of tools from open source solutions to enterprise-grade applications like Adobe Premiere are available
  • Image editing: lots of solutions, i.e. Adobe Photoshop and Canva
  • SEO tools: SaaS solutions like SEMrush and Tubebuddy
  • Social Media Management: tools like Sprinklr and Hootsuite
  • Reporting: YouTube Studio and Google Data Studio as the key platforms
  • Scripting: from simple word processors to web-based tools like Google Docs and Notion 

While many tools focus on either the stages of video production and post-production or reporting and performance monitoring, there are no tools available for the stages before content production even begins

One tool to improve your ideation process

How do you know what content to produce? How do you assess whether your video idea will have any success from an SEO perspective? And let’s say you want to produce a long-form content video, how do you know if your video idea is actually suited for the desired length?

Enter tubics.

tubics provides all the necessary tools you need to fill that gap:

  • Suggesting topics and ideas based on keywords
  • Providing necessary metadata for your video ideas and concepts: search volumes, monthly projected views, competition density, and whether a video based on that idea has a realistic chance to rank on Google
  • Tracking ideas and generating AI-driven briefings
  • Connect to the Google Search Console and get a website’s keywords

With tubics your future tech stack for video production might look like this:

Let’s dig a bit deeper into these functions.

Suggesting video ideas based on keywords

At the very beginning of content creation, tubics helps you to gather your ideas and suggests related topics based on real search data.

Providing metadata for your video ideas

An idea isn’t worth much without additional information on that idea’s quality from an SEO perspective. tubics tells you a keyword’s search volumeprojected monthly views, its competition level on Google and YouTube, and whether a video based on this keyword has a realistic chance of being displayed in a Google search.

Tracking ideas and generating AI-driven briefings

After deciding on some keywords, you can bookmark them and let tubics do the heavy-lifting. tubics will boot their machine-learning-driven resources and create an extensive briefing for your idea:

Connect to the Google Search Console and get further ideas on a weekly base

tubics is always striving to find new connections to data sources relevant for SEO and lets you integrate them into your ideation workflow. For instance, you can connect your Google Search Console account and get further ideas on a weekly basis which then can be bookmarked and used to create video briefings:

Conclusion: Close the gap, reduce the risk

There is a rising demand for long-form video content. For brands it is easy to come up with ideas and a script for a 30-second clip. However, it’s much more difficult to create such a script for longer videos. 

To cope with the budgetary risk of producing long-form video content, a proper analysis of the technical stack is vital.

There is an oversaturation of software products that offer good tooling for editing/cutting content or conducting impact analysis, but none of them start with the beginning: ideation and preparation.

tubics is the only video marketing product that accompanies brands from ideation to deployment. It leverages the powers of machine-learning algorithms and longstanding SEO expertise to provide brands with the necessary data to produce long-form video content in the most cost-efficient way possible.

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