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What is the Ideal Length of Videos on YouTube? Here are New Data-Based Answers

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Short and sweet or long and comprehensive: What kind of videos tend to get you better rankings on YouTube and more views? We wanted to know and analyzed thousands of public YouTube data. We may not have found the golden formula but based on our research can share some clear hints which video length can help you maximize views on YouTube.

Ads vs. Useful Content: How to Best Manage Your YouTube Spendings

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With inflation at historic levels and war raging in Europe, the economic climate has changed dramatically in recent months. Budgets are getting tighter, also in marketing departments. But where to cut costs or double down on effort? Are YouTube ads worth the investment or are more in-depth videos the way to go? We broke down some research and shared recommendations based on our experience.

How to Add Corrections to YouTube Videos

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Have you ever uploaded a video and afterward noticed a mistake that needed a correction? Now, you don’t need to reupload a video or make notes in the comments; simply notify viewers about a mistake directly in the video! In this blog post, we will tell you everything you need to know to start using this feature.

Lead Magnets on YouTube: Convert Your YouTube Viewers

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There are thousands of articles out there that give step-by-step instructions on increasing watch time on YouTube, getting new subscribers, improving engagement, etc. However, YouTube has way more potential for brands to convert viewers into leads. More in this blog post.

Stages and Challenges of a YouTube Channel ▷ Everything You Need to Know

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Is your brand’s YouTube channel not growing as planned? Well, it might be because you are focusing on the wrong questions. All YouTube channels go through different stages to success, each associated with typical challenges. If you focus on advanced questions too early or lack a solid strategic foundation, your channel’s performance suffers.

How to Turn On Comments on YouTube

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Sure, there are haters out there. But what would YouTube be without comments? Exchanging ideas and growing a community are only two reasons why it’s worth turning on comments and letting viewers share their minds below your videos. Here is how it works.