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What’s YouTube’s Ad Revenue?

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YouTube revealed its ad revenue for the first time. The company made over $28 billion from ads last year alone — up 47 percent from 2020 and 90 percent compared to 2019. The platform contributes roughly 3% to Google’s total revenue.

YouTube Marketing für Unternehmen

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YouTube Marketing ist zwar die schwierigste, dafür aber auch die lukrativste Marketingdisziplin, die Marketing-Manager meistern können. Denn mit YouTube Marketing können Marken weltweit bis zu 2 Milliarden Menschen erreichen. Dieser Leitfaden zeigt wie.

YouTube 2nd Biggest Search Engine – The Myth That Just Won’t Die

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You have probably heard that the YouTube search engine is the 2nd largest search engine in the world. Besides, YouTube is owned by Google; therefore, it makes sense. So no one really questions whether that is actually true or not… right? But…do you really think the YouTube search engine is the 2nd largest search engine in the world? Are you sure?

How Does YouTube Count Views?

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When it comes to understanding views on YouTube, it’s important to get what a view really means. YouTube counts a view depending on whether the viewer initiated the watching of a video or not.

YouTube Thumbnails: The Best Practice Guide

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YouTube thumbnails let viewers see a quick snapshot of your video as they’re browsing YouTube. Learn how to create an eye-catching YouTube thumbnail that boosts viewership and is good for YouTube SEO. Follow these YouTube Thumbnails best practices.

How to Write an Effective YouTube Description

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Your YouTube description is nearly equally important as your video itself. You know why? Because the YouTube description is the best way to boost your video’s SEO and YouTube rankings. How well you craft your YouTube descriptions will determine if your videos rank on top… or not.

16 Hot Tips for YouTube Channel Growth

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If you’ve felt recently that you are not getting the views you deserve, let me tell you: we’ve been there and we know how to help. Not only can we help, but we can teach you how to grow your YouTube channel (what to do and what not to do). I am here today to give you the hottest YouTube channel growth tips for 2020.

SafeSearch for YouTube Thumbnails

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YouTube’s algorithm filters results that might feature explicit content via its so-called SafeSearch technology. With the SafeSearch computer vision method, YouTube screens your thumbnail on explicit content

Was haben Influencer mit der Video Distribution zu tun?

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Gastautor Alexander Pühringer erklärt in folgendem Artikel, wieso Influencer nicht gezwungenermaßen immer nur YouTuber, Instagrammer oder Blogger sind, die ihren Content selbst erstellen. Er geht dabei der Frage nach, wie Influencer etwa für die Verbreitung von Videos oder anderen Inhalten eingesetzt werden können, um größere Reichweiten für diese aufzubauen und erklärt, wieso jeder von uns eigentlich ein Influencer ist.

How to Promote YouTube Videos in 19 Easy Steps

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So…you have a YouTube channel and you’ve created your first YouTube video. Now you want to know how to promote your YouTube videos to receive more traffic? You have to spend some time actively promoting your channel and videos — the right way, if you want them to be effective. But exactly how and where do you begin?