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Organic vs Paid Video Traffic: How to get the best of both worlds!

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Quick results at the lowest possible price. This is what many companies strive for – in particular when it comes to their YouTube views. Investing in paid advertising appears to be the common way to go, sometimes totally neglecting the organic side of YouTube traffic. But why? Is paid traffic better compared to organic traffic? Not really. Find out why in this blog post.

How to Translate Videos on YouTube? Everything You Need to Know

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How to translate your YouTube videos and reach a global audience? What are the advantages and disadvantages of translating YouTube videos? This article presents you with the right video translation strategy that will not hurt the channel performance.

Video Marketing Strategy With See-Think-Do-Care Framework (STDC)

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The See-Think-Do-Care model is a practical and empowering tool that helps you assess how to communicate with your target customer in this digital culture. The framework is designed specifically for digital channels so your marketing can be focused, specific, and effective at reaching your Largest Addressable Qualified Audience (LAQA).

10 YouTube Mistakes Most Companies Make

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YouTube channels of well-known companies can appear like a video content graveyard – disorganised, under-utilised, and even embarrassing – filled with content that they wouldn’t even consider sharing on other platforms. Why is this happening, and what are the key mistakes companies are making on YouTube?

Rank Twice On Google! Schema Markup For YouTube Videos

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Do you want to know what we did to rank twice on Google with a video and a blog post? The answer is schema markup for YouTube videos. What is a schema, and how to implement it? I’m explaining for you today 🤗

How to Title YouTube Videos

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Your title is (by far) your video’s most important piece of metadata. That’s why, when it comes to video SEO, including your keyword in your video title is an absolute must. Also, make sure not to change the keyword. It’s best to use the exact, word-for-word term.