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3 Channels To Promote YouTube Videos

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You’ve created high-quality videos which will engage your audiences. Now, you want to promote YouTube videos! Besides the video optimization you’ve done to rank highly in YouTube and Google keywords search, where else can you leverage your content to gain more visibility?To get more attention, you want your videos to be in all the places as your customers and prospects. Paid advertising isn’t the only way to go, especially when people are tuning out ads more and more.You can earn more attention by connecting what you are good at with what’s relevant to your potential customers and contribute to the conversation your target viewers care about. In this blog, you’ll expand your views on different content and media channels available for you to distribute and promote your videos.

Three Types of Distribution Channels

According to Attivio, the cognitive search and insight platform, video attracts 300% more traffic, doubles the time visitors spend on a website and increases website page views by 63%.To generate quality traffic for your YouTube videos, you need to balance using all your distribution channels in addition to data-driven SEO practices. A great strategy combines various types of media for optimal engagement.Here’s a quick visual which breaks down earned, owned, and paid media:

Promote YouTube Videos With Owned Distribution

Owned media includes all the content which brands create and control: websites, blog posts, organic social media posts, emails, and more.You can link your YouTube video on your homepage to enhance your brand message or promote your video across multiple pages, such as blog posts.If your video suits the purpose, definitely create an email campaign to engage your existing customers. Furthermore, promoting videos on your social media sites is a must to facilitate conversations and engagement with your followers.Use each promotion attentively to gain more followers and potential customers with each video creation.

Promote YouTube Videos With Earned Distribution

This refers to the attention you generate via word-of-mouth, such as reposts, retweets, or active sharing by your fans.This can be the most credible distribution to boost your brand awareness and earn loyal customers. However, it’s volatile compared to other distribution methods because you have little control over the response.The key to earning organic distribution is to meet the demands of your viewers by researching their wants and needs with the support of data-based insight and create content accordingly. Social media, reviews, endorsements, and other forms of reactions are all powerful ways for your videos to generate earned distribution.With the right outreach strategy, earned media can help your viewers establish shared experiences with your brand and form a unique community around your video content.

Promote YouTube Videos With Paid Distribution

Paid advertisements for videos can extend from a Facebook sponsored post to Google ads, YouTube ads, and other social media ads that are popular for promoting brand videos.Depending on your demographics, different social media ads are used to target different groups. While paid media still plays a role when businesses want to reach new customers or ensure immediacy and scale, brands are now less dependent on paid ads.Notably, companies are steering towards creating original content to earn attention instead of paying for it.


There are 3 channels that we recommend for your YouTube video distribution:

  1. Owned distribution
  2. Earned distribution
  3. Paid distribution

How do you promote new YouTube videos? Let me know in the comments down below. 👇🏼If you want to learn more about video marketing strategy, make sure to download our free YouTube marketing guide for business.

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