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Why Buying YouTube Subscribers Will Destroy Your Channel In 2021

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It’s tempting to buy subscribers, isn’t it? Indeed, reaching viewers seems extremely challenging in the beginning. So why don’t you just pay for your first thousand subscribers to boost the channel?We want to warn you! Buying subscribers and views is not the solution. This could be the thing that ruins your channel in the end. You can still go ahead and buy subscribers, but at least you will know the consequences.You can also watch this video where Jan Fassbender of So geht YouTube explains all pros and cons of paying for subscribers →

#1 Can I buy real YouTube subscribers?

A thousand subscribers will cost you an average of 30 to 50 dollars, and for 1000 views you will pay 3  to 4 dollars. That’s extremely cheap, but it can have devastating consequences.Companies that sell subscribers and views might try to convince you that if your channel is empty, your videos could get buried under the content of more popular channels, and a foundation audience makes viewers more willing to like, comment, and subscribe. Is it so? 🤔

#2 So cheap! Let’s buy!

So let’s do a little thought experiment and just imagine you buy your first thousands of subscribers. Now, you should get tons of views on your new video, right? Probably not, because these thousands of subscribers are not real subscribers.These people didn’t subscribe to your channel because they liked your content, but because you paid them off. They might even be bots that do not understand what you’re talking about because they are from some other country.

What does YouTube see?

There are now a thousand people that subscribed to your channel, you upload a new video, and pretty much no one clicks on it. So from a YouTube view, your channel looks worse than before. If there are thousands of subscribers and only forty people click on the video – that’s not a good sign.

#3 You upload the next video, what’s next?

You will need to pay them again and buy new views and comments; otherwise, your video will look bad to the YouTube algorithm. You see where it’s going, don’t you?As a result, you get into a spiral where you need to buy new views and likes; you get addicted to these services. And of course, that’s what they are trying to achieve. They want you to buy more and more and more.And you will! Since they are selling them so cheaply. Don’t forget: these people aren’t real subscribers. You’re not buying potential customers. You’re buying fake numbers that don’t bring any real value.

Is it legal to buy subscribers?

If YouTube notices that you’ve bought subscribers and views, it will take all of them away (YouTube does this quite regularly). In the worst case, this might lead to your whole channel being shut down.

#4. Final verdict: should I buy subscribers?

That’s a definite no.

But how can I grow my channel then?

Video SEO! Check out tubics, we help businesses and YouTube creators to rank their videos better on search engines like YouTube and Google. This works in a similar way to search engine optimization (SEO) for websites, but just for YouTube videos. You will receive concrete suggestions for optimizing videos and can implement them directly in the software.

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